EYES – The Gift of life
In India, we have an estimated 4.6 million people with corneal blindness that is curable through corneal transplantation made possible by eye donation. More than 90% of the corneal transplantation is carried out successfully and helps restore vision in people with corneal blindness. Corneal transplantation in infants born with cloudy cornea can make a big difference to their lives.
There are tentative 4.9 million people suffering from corneal blindness. Majority of the 4.9 million are young adults who have to spend long blind years even though they have a cure. The present collection from all over the COUNTRY is 32,514!! (source 2008-2009source EBAI.)
75 members associated with CAN & WILL have already pledged to donate their eyes after death, would you be the 76th one to join this prestigious rank?

Corneal Blindness.

Normal vision.
Join Our Movement Of Eye Donation