Why Donate?

Going beyond statistics, there is a constant struggle in India to beat the miseries brought on by poverty. There are real people around us with real needs and dreams. At CAN & WILL Foundation, we believe that we can bring sustainable development in the lives of these people and their families.

With your support, we aim to bring together people in need and people who can help them.

When you donate to a particular cause you can be assured of the impact that your contribution will make. We shall keep you posted about the progress made for the cause for which you give your valuable savings. You may choose to contribute for the entire cause or offer to pay only a portion and we will pool in donations from other donors towards the same need and meet the need of the people. You can also invite your friends to share and meet a need together.

Additionally, since our Founding Trustees bear the basic overhead costs of running CAN & WILL, you can be assured that every penny contributed by you would be utilized for the cause rather than a portion being deducted for running an office, at your cost.

Our Overhead Costs

Till date, our overhead costs have been NIL as they have been borne by The Trustees. Every penny that you donate has been used for the cause that you have chosen.

In case any of the funds remain unused if we are able to reduce the medical/educational expenses any further by either getting a grant or change in medication, then your contribution would be used for the next patient/child who needs help.

Program Management – 0% (borne by the Trustees)
General Administration – 0% (borne by the Trustees)
Fund Raising – 0% (borne by the Trustees)
Programs & Projects – 100%

Financial Accountability

Till date, every penny that you donated has been used for the cause that you chose to support.
In case any of the funds remained unused due to last minute waiver of medical/educational expenses, then your contribution has been be used for the next patient/student who needs help.

In addition, firm believers in the adage ‘a penny saved is a penny earned’, we optimize resources and distribute them where they are needed the most. We carefully monitor and review programs and costs, use donations and grants for their intended purposes, and look for ways to leverage funds for maximum impact.