
Blood: A Celebration of LIFE indeed
Wedding season is on and we all receive wedding invites boxes like these, but this one is special. Let me share with you, why?
Many Septembers ago I got a call from a harried father who needed A+ve blood donors on a regular basis for his 22yrs old son undergoing treatment in PGI. I would get a call from the father once or twice a week and we would organise donors for him. Things became more tough for us as festivals began, weddings started unrolling, season started changing, which meant that either our regular donors were drunk at the weddings or popping antibiotics to beat viral themselves. Those were the pre-mobile data days, hence connecting with donors meant having access to a wifi connection, possibly with a laptop/computer.

I specifically remember one particular call for 2 donors which I received on the final day of the exhibition we were holding at Whispering Willows at 3.30pm; busiest period for us and to make matters worse, it was Dushehra evening! Where would I get the donors from?
I started asking visitors to our stand about their blood group! One hand went up and said, 'Just don't give my fountain to anyone.
I will pick it up tomorrow from your office! Let me reach the hospital first.' Suddenly one A+ve CAT happened to saunter in with a little bowl of strawberry cream in his hand. The moment he saw my worried face, he handed over the bowl to me and went to PGI as well.
On Diwali eve at 8.15pm as I took my then little niece and nephew for 'phuljhari' shopping, I got a call from the father again. I almost hesitated to take the call as I knew the task ahead of me. I took a deep breath and did answer. The father said, 'Ma'am I have called to tell you that doctors told us that our son is well enough to go home for Diwali.' That one line reduced me to tears in the middle of the cracker bazaar. Meri Diwali ho gayi thi. Father went on to become a regular donor with CATS.
Last week I got a call from the father again and he wanted to have my address. Though I resisted since the episodes of gratitude make me extremely uncomfortable as I believe we do what we do, only because it is our duty to help others in distress around us. However, the father reigned that day and I had I share my address with him.
A couple of hours later the door bell rang and the father was standing with the box and an envelope, containing invite for CATS to attend the wedding of his son. This CAT with two left feet danced that day. This is what CATS mean to me, to you, and even to those we have never met! YOU ARE SPECIAL, all of you.
Now tell me, isn't this invite special? This is not just a celebration of a wedding, but I see it as a celebration of life itself.
CAT Supreet
Shared on FB Page of Can & Will Foundation: 12 November 2017

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